In the late 1970s and I get hauled into the vice principles office to be interrogated for an alleged property damage offense as I was seen in the area. He tried the brow beat me, tough guy routine and at one point in my denials of guilt he said, “if you deny it one more time I’ll slap you backwards in that chair” so I shut up and said nothing. Sent home to “get a parent” I got my recently retired US Army veteran of 3 wars Master Sergeant father who was advised of the allegation and the threat of physical violence to me.
The meeting went along the usual lines, Dad, “How do you know he did it?” “No proof, So nothings going to happen to him then? …pause… “Now that that’s settled, did you threaten to harm my child?” The Vice Principle responded, “Well, yes but”… and Dad cut him off “Let me tell you something Mr., you ever lay a hand on my child or endanger him in any way and I’ll kick you ass up and down the street in front of this school for everybody to see! We clear on that?” “Yes sir” was the answer.
By the standards of 2022 my father, a hero of the greatest generation who fought for your freedom, would have been labelled a sexist and racist (the Vice Principle was an “oppressed” man of color). Dads reaction was a natural fathers parental response to protect his child, but now that would be unacceptable. At a minimum a complaint and criminal investigation would begin, the resulting legal expenses born by the blue collar working family. His “war record” would be used to show his “violent tendencies” and in spite of his depression era his life in the dust bowl of Oklahoma he would be portrayed as exhibiting “white privilege.” Being a male, of course, he had “male privilege.” Charges might be laid and if the drawn out procedure lasts long enough a plea deal would be made, not due to guilt but to stave off bankruptcy. Think not? Search “Loudon County Father” and “School Board.”
From 1970 to today men have been labelled as “deadbeats,” “abusers of women and children,” “patriarchally controlling,” and now “toxically masculine”. We disenfranchised fathers from families and made it so their sole responsibility to the family to pay their “child support” (which goes to the government and not their family) on time and in full. We have an 80% plus mother custody rate resulting in 30% of American homes being single parent, mostly single mother, homes. This is the highest percentage in the world. The erosion of fathers rights was the beginning of the erosion of mothers rights and eventually both parents rights.
Parents have police called on them and lose their children to “child protective” services (CPS) for letting their child walk home alone from school or go to the playground unsupervised. Schools turn parents into CPS for not putting their child on drugs for a school diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder and are dragged into family court to which orders them to do it. Divorced parents have to place themselves under the courts and one of them is going to lose custody to the other resulting in both being regulated by that court. Out-of-wedlock birth mothers who get government services are similarly placed under the jurisdiction of family courts with Out-of-wedlock fathers also where the only expectation of them is to pay child support back into the state for benefits given to the mother.
With the destruction of fathers parental rights and “experts,” advocates, and Judges regulating parents actions as THEY determine the “best interest of YOUR child” is it hard to imagine that deterioration of parental rights wouldn’t continue with school boards, administrators, and teachers now believing that they determine what’s in YOUR child’s best interest? And when administrators determine that a Covid vaccine is needed will they listen to parents who say it shouldn’t be mandatory contrary to the “experts?” And is it any wonder that government, and especially law enforcement, would investigate any parent who tells these “experts” that they are wrong and the parents intend to do something different? Ask the mothers speaking out at school boards in Virginia.
The government subsidizes single mother homes and has made generations dependent on government benefits and looks to increase their control over people by increasing government dependence. Just search “Life of Linda” and you’ll see this administrations ideas for cradle to grave government dependence. Government provides perverse payments to states to break up families and drive one parent (usually the father) out of the child’s life. Erroneously labelled “child support” the money actually goes to federal coffers if the mother receives any assistance from them. It is government programs and policies which have broken up families and disenfranchised fathers from their children.
When you wonder where are the fathers understand that many have suffered great injustices in family court and have been beaten dead, driven dead broke, and disenfranchised from their families. The remaining men work under a system which considers them dangerous and “toxic” and as such they risk arrest, loss of job and income, and a long expensive fight with a large bureaucracy. With America having the highest rate of single parent households and the life of Linda showing a single mother with one son, do we really think these anti-male, anti-father, anti-family government programs were an accident? And do we think they will stop increasing unless we Citizen’s demand it to stop?